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Oh My Laptop

Salam to all readers...

Amacam puasa korg?? Ad mcm2 dugaan ke?? Well, sume org akn ad dugaan msg2 kan... hehe... semalam ak tido xsedar diri... tido dr kol 2ptg smp kol 5.30ptg... mgkn ad yg kata, ala standard la tu... tp pd ak yg nk ke bazar ni sgt2 sedey... ak igt nk bgn 4.30ptg sb nk g bazar tup2 bgn da 5.30ptg... mmg la kalo nk ikutkan msh sempat, but I tell u what, I'm going by bus... so at least I need 1hour early to go there... ye la, nk tggu bas lagi, da buang masa kat ctu...pastu lak, kat bazar tu kol 6 je mknn da abes da...huhu.... plus plak hujan semalam lagi la wat ak patah hati nk g bazar... nape xmsk je???? Beras da abes...huhu...tu pn br tau...ngeh2...slme ni cik ki yg masak, so ak xtau la... so, ak berbuka ngan roti je smlm... xlapo plak tu...pelik tol...agk nye cam tau2 je perut ak ni ngan mslh yg ak hadapi...bgs2, perut ke...hehe...

Yesterday, I figure out one new info about how to take care about your laptop... It actually a basic tips to us... for more info, please log to There also an info about how u can detect ur laptop is attack by virus....hehe...promote nampak... bkn pe, sj nk shared info ngan korg sume... ye la skg ni byk virus yg menular...walapun ad anti-virus, tp xsume virus dpt dihilangkan....tu yg ad sesetengah org install byk anti-virus dlm PC or laptop dorg... bkn pe, kdg2 ad yg xleh the end, PC or laptop hang...huhu...

Ckp sal laptop hang ni, ramai kwn2 ak yg ad mslh ngan laptop dorg... padahal dorg br je beli laptop tu... kdg2 anti-virus yg dorg guna tu lgsg xleh guna... kesian ak kat dorg... ak ni pn br beli laptop gak...takut kalo ak pn kena gak... so dgn info yg Mohd. Fadzli shared ni, at least ak dpt la care aknye laptop ni....hehe...

Laptop ni sensitif sket dari tu die perlukan penjagaan yg rapi...xleh la ganas2 cam guna PC... actually PC pn bknnye leh gn ganas gak... kalo kita jg btol2 sesuatu benda tu, jgka hayat die mst la lama kan... so duit pn xde la membazir kat cni...hehe...

Okay la, ak nk solat subuh ni... So, as usual we'll meet again in da next post... pls wait for me okay...hehe... Salam....

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